Putting super-oscillations to work

Zheludev Group & Projects
The Nanoscope project originated in 2008 as a highly successful EPSRC-sponsored joint research Program between the University of Southampton, Bristol University, University of St Andrews and the Rutherford Appleton laboratories in the UK.
Its aim was to develop technology based on the recently discovered fundamental effect of super-oscillation that allowed focusing of coherent light into arbitrary small hot-spots using precisely tailored interference of light beams. From 2008 to 2012 the EPSRC Nanoscope Project developed several super-resolution imaging techniques based on this idea (see Publications).
The project now continues at the University of Southampton, UK and Nanayang Technological University, Singapore with aims to develop practical applications of the Nanoscope technology to bio-imaging, data recording and manufacturing with light.
See more details on the current projects in the NANOSCOPE @ Southampton and NANOSCOPE @ NTU sections.
Technologies based on super-oscillation are now also being developed in many other leading research laboratories around the world including EPFL (Switzerland), University of Toronto (Canada), Technion (Israel), Harbin Institute of Technology (China) and the University of Ottawa (Canada).